🔷Step 1
Download and install x64
of .NET Desktop Runtime 6.x
from Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows).
🔷Step 2
💠For manual installation
from Releases.
Right-click on the zip, select Properties, check Unblock
and close with the OK button.
Extract the zip and place it in any location that does not require administrative privileges.
💠For installation using Scoop (per user)
🔹Scoop installation
🔹Install the git
If you don’t have Git installed, execute the following command.
scoop install git
🔹Add bucket
Execute the following command.
scoop bucket add 3xkesg
🔹Install the app
Execute the following command.
scoop install spacious-start-menu
💠For installation using Chocolatey (common to all users)
🔹Chocolatey installation
🔹Install the app
Execute the following commands as administrator.
choco install spacious-start-menu
Index | Install | Update | Uninstall | Usage | Other |