Spacious Start Menu

This is a large program launcher.

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Launch SpaciousStartMenu.exe. A sample launch button definition is generated on first launch.

Edit the launch button definition by right-clicking on the screen and choosing Edit Pin. This work is equivalent to pinning in the Start Menu.

Click the launch button to start an application, folder, etc.

🔷1. Main screen

💠1.1. Overview

You can open a folder or start a program by pressing the launch button.

For executable programs, you can run them as an administrator by pressing the launch button while holding down Ctrl + Shift.

💠1.2. Context menu

If you right-click on the ... button on the title bar or any blank area other than the launch button, the following menu will be displayed.

Menu item Description
Edit Pin Display the Pinned definition list screen.
Scale Changes the display magnification of an item. You can also change the scale by rotating Ctrl + mouse wheel on the main screen.
Settings Display the Settings screen.
Open Program Location Open the folder where this program is located.
Open the program location and then exit the program Open the folder where this program is located and exit the program. This menu item can be shown/hidden in the settings.
View Help site View this web page.

If you right-click on the launch button, the following menu will be displayed.

Menu item Description
Edit Pin Display the Pin edit screen.
Duplicate pin Duplicate and add a pinning definition.
Unpin Delete pinned definitions.
Open file location Open the pinned program’s path in explorer.

💠1.3. Title bar

🔹Modifier key status

While pressing a modifier key such as Ctrl or Shift, the mode valid for the key being pressed is displayed. You can switch display/hide and display position on the setting screen.

Modifier key status in title bar

🔹Logged-in user

Shows currently logged in user. You can switch display/hide on the settings screen. Click to sign out, shut down, or restart.

Login user in title bar

💠1.4. Zoom in/out

You can zoom in/out by pressing the +, - buttons on the context menu or by holding down the Ctrl key and rotating the mouse wheel.

🔹Zoom in

Largest view of Spacious Start Menu.

Zoom in

🔹Zoom out

Smallest view of Spacious Start Menu.

Zoom out

💠1.5. Mouse gestures

On the main screen, move the mouse cursor to either up, down, left, or right while holding down the right mouse button, and release the right mouse button to executed the assigned function.

Mouse gestures

💠1.6. Clock

A clock can be displayed in the lower right corner. Display content and format can be changed in the settings screen.


💠1.7. Show desktop button

At the bottom right there is a button to show the desktop. It can be used instead of Show desktop on the taskbar. The button size can be adjusted in the settings screen.

Show desktop button

🔷2. Pinned definition list screen

This is a list of launch buttons, etc., displayed by Edit Pin in the context menu.

Double-click the list, click the edit icon at the right end of the list, or click the Add Row button or Edit Row button below to open the edit screen.

If you select the delete (trash can) icon on the far right or press the Delete key, the actual deletion will occur when the Save button is pressed.

Pinned definition list

To rearrange the order of the headings and the groups that belong to them, press the group rearrangement button on the bottom left.

Pinned definition list, Group sort

🔷3. Pin edit screen

💠3.1. Overview

Edit screen. This screen allows you to hold down the Ctrl key and use the cursor keys to move the focus up, down, left or right between controls.

When Headline is selected, only Title can be entered. If you want to draw a line to separate groups, select Headline and press the Separator button. The Title will be set to the string -------------------- which will be recognized as a separator.

Select headline

The Path field allows you to enter files and folders by drag & drop.

The Working Directory and Arguments are optional.

Pin edit

Click the help button on the top right to display the help site. The pin editing screen is compacted to make the help easier to read. Press the help button again to return to the original window size.


💠3.2. Color

Color selection menu.

Pin edit color selection

💠3.3. Special folders and environment variables

Press the ... button to display the special folder/environment variables selection menu.

Pin edit special folders

💠3.4. Special Commands

Selecting Special commands will give you a choice of several commands that are not application launches. When you select a command from the choices, the Title is also set automatically, but can be changed to any name later.

Pin edit special command

🔹Display example of special commands

Examples of special commands

💠3.5. Landmark

Select Landmark to place a label for the emoji. Use it as a separator for launch buttons or as a landmark when looking for a button.


🔷4. Settings screen



🔹Register to startup

Register the Spacious Start Menu shortcut to the current user’s startup.

🔹Add a minimize launch option to the shortcut

Add the option to start in minimized state to the command line when registering a shortcut to startup. This setting is unnecessary if Start in minimized state is enabled.

🔹Remove from Startup

Remove the Spacious Start Menu shortcut from Startup.

🔹Export settings

Definition of launch button, application settings, and execution history of the launch button are output to the file.

🔹Import settings

Load the settings exported by the Export settings function. Specify the content to be read with the check box on the right of the button.


🔹Start in minimized state

Minimize when the application starts.

🔹Minimize menu with Esc key

Causes the main screen to be minimized when the Esc key is pressed.

🔹Minimize by double-clicking on the screen margin

Minimize the main screen when you double-click a part other than the startup button on the main screen.

🔹Suppresses menu minimization when pressing the launch button while holding down the Ctrl key

Normally, pressing the launch button minimizes the main screen, but we don’t want it to minimize when pressing the Ctrl key while pressing the launch button.

💠Title bar

🔹Show modifier key status on the title bar

While pressing a modifier key such as Ctrl or Shift, the title bar displays the mode that is valid for the key being pressed.

Modifier key status in title bar

🔹Show logged-in user in title bar

The name of the logged-in user is displayed in the upper right corner of the title bar.

Login user in title bar

💠Launch button

🔹Show sequential numbers in headings

Displays sequential numbers on group headings from top to bottom.

🔹Save history of recently used launch buttons

By enabling this item, the launch buttons used will be recorded in the history file. The number of records is specified by the `History retention count’. The old ones will be deleted when the number is exceeded. By saving the usage history, the recently used launch buttons can be highlighted for a certain period of time to make it easier to find the buttons by using shortcut keys or mouse gestures.

If you checked Determined by excluding a) for Number of buttons to highlight, b) will be determined from the history excluding a), so the number of highlighted buttons will be a) and b). will be the total. If this item is unchecked, the number of buttons highlighted may be reduced due to duplication of a) and b).



Change the background opacity.

💠Mouse gestures

🔹Enable gestures

Enable mouse gestures.

You can assign commands to the gestures on the top, bottom, left, and right.

💠Bottom area


The date, day of the week, and time are displayed in the lower right corner of the main screen.

🔹Show desktop button

Specify the height and width of the Show desktop button at the bottom right of the main screen.

Show desktop button

Show desktop button large size


🔹Confirm when exiting from the close button on the title bar

A confirmation dialog is displayed when the close button on the upper right of the title bar is pressed.

🔹Confirm when unpinning from context menu

Confirm when unpinning from context menu when unpinning from the context menu.

💠Context menu

🔹Show Open the program location and then exit the program menu

In the context menu, display a menu item to open the folder where Spacious Start Menu is located in Explorer and then exit the program.

💠Child screen

🔹Save screen size

Save the size of each screen.

🔹Save screen position

Save the position of each screen. The settings screen is always displayed in the center.

💠Advanced options

🔹Direct definition file edit button on the Pinned definition list screen

A button to switch to the mode for directly editing the definition file is displayed at the bottom left of the pinned definition list screen.


Displays the version of Spatial Start Menu and the version of .NET runtime.

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