Spacious Start Menu

This is a large program launcher.

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🔷Mouse gestures

Gestures Description
Minimized Minimize main screen
Show desktop Show desktop
Zoom in Zoom in main screen
Zoom out Zoom out main screen
Scroll to top Scroll main screen to top
Scroll to bottom Scroll main screen to end
Scroll to up Scroll main screen up
Scroll to down Scroll down the main screen
Show pinned definition list Show pinned definition list
Show Spacious Start Menu settings screen Show settings screen
Close all folders Close all open folder windows in explorer
List folders List open folder windows in explorer
Highlight of recently used launch buttons Highlight recently used launch buttons for a certain period of time


🔷Special folders

Special folder Specification method Examples of expanded values
ApplicationData <ApplicationData> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming
CommonApplicationData <CommonApplicationData> C:\ProgramData
Cookies <Cookies> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies
DesktopDirectory <DesktopDirectory> C:\Users\USER123\Desktop
Favorites <Favorites> C:\Users\USER123\Favorites
Fonts <Fonts> C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
History <History> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History
InternetCache <InternetCache> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
LocalApplicationData <LocalApplicationData> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local
MyDocuments <MyDocuments> C:\Users\USER123\Documents
MyMusic <MyMusic> C:\Users\USER123\Music
MyPictures <MyPictures> C:\Users\USER123\Pictures
MyVideos <MyVideos> C:\Users\USER123\Videos
ProgramFiles <ProgramFiles> C:\Program Files
ProgramFilesX86 <ProgramFilesX86> C:\Program Files (x86)
Programs <Programs> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
SendTo <SendTo> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
StartMenu <StartMenu> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
Startup <Startup> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
System <System> C:\WINDOWS\system32
SystemX86 <SystemX86> C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64
UserProfile <UserProfile> C:\Users\USER123
Windows <Windows> C:\WINDOWS


🔷Environment variables

Environment variable Specification method Examples of expanded values
APPDATA <ENV:APPDATA> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Roaming
PROGRAMFILES(X86) <ENV:PROGRAMFILES(X86)> C:\Program Files (x86)
TEMP <ENV:TEMP> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local\Temp
TMP <ENV:TMP> C:\Users\USER123\AppData\Local\Temp


🔷Special commands

Special commands Specification method Description
System_Signout <CMD:System_Signout> Sign out
System_Shutdown <CMD:System_Shutdown> Shut down
System_Restart <CMD:System_Restart> Restart
App_Minimized <CMD:App_Minimized> Minimize main screen
App_ZoomIn <CMD:App_ZoomIn> Zoom in main screen
App_ZoomOut <CMD:App_ZoomOut> Zoom out main screen
App_ScrollToTop <CMD:App_ScrollToTop> Scroll main screen to top
App_ScrollToBottom <CMD:App_ScrollToBottom> Scroll main screen to end
App_ScrollToUp <CMD:App_ScrollToUp> Scroll main screen up
App_ScrollToDown <CMD:App_ScrollToDown> Scroll down the main screen
App_ReloadPinDefine <CMD:App_ReloadPinDefine> Reload launch button definition
Desktop_Show <CMD:Desktop_Show> Show desktop
PinEditList_Show <CMD:PinEditList_Show> Show pinned definition list
Settings_Show <CMD:Settings_Show> Show settings screen
Explorer_CloseAllFolders <CMD:Explorer_CloseAllFolders> Close all open folder windows in explorer
Explorer_ListFolders <CMD:Explorer_ListFolders> List open folder windows in explorer
Info_LaunchButtonCount <CMD:Info_LaunchButtonCount> Show the number of launch buttons
Info_GroupTitleCount <CMD:Info_GroupTitleCount> Show launch button’s headline count


🔷shortcut keys

💠Main screen

key description
Ctrl + click the launch button Minimization of the main screen is suppressed when the application is launched1
Ctrl + Shift + click the launch button Run as administrator
Ctrl + F highlight the launch button1
Ctrl + mouse wheel up rotation Zoom in
Ctrl + mouse wheel down rotation Zoom out
Esc minimize main screen1
Ctrl + , show Settings screen


💠Pin edit screen

key description
Ctrl + focus on upper control
Ctrl + focus on lower control
Ctrl + Focus on left control
Ctrl + Focus on right control


Index Install Update Uninstall Usage Other
  1. If the function is enabled in the settings  2 3